While we are using the fastest GPUs available, there may be some instances where a project takes longer than usual to complete. Here are some quick tips to reduce the time it takes for your project to complete (also known as Render).
Turbo Mode: Render up to 4x faster when using this feature. For more info, check out this article
Aspect Ratio: Quadratic is the fastest (1:1), 16:9 and 9:16 take longer
Model: All models are equally fast (including custom models), with the exception of Stable Diffusion XL and Juggernaut XL. For these two models, please anticipate longer render times
Usage of servers: If more people are rendering at the same time, this can potentially affect the speed of rendering
Prompt Settings: Some values can cause longer render times. As an example, higher Smooth values are faster to render because there are less transitional frames